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Island Goats Honors & Awards

Each Year at the Goats' Annual Spring Gala the IGSS is proud to honor the winners of
The IGSS Freshwater Award, The Master Mariners Trophy
and Special Goat Honors.

"The Envelope Please"

The IGSS Freshwater Award

In 1959 The Island Goats Sailing Society Established
A Citation of Merit known as the Fresh Water Award
To Recognize Meritorious Service or
Outstanding Contribution
to Off-Shore Sailing.

Craig Warner
Our 2024 Recipient

Previous Recipients of This Prestigious Award          
Click on Highlighted Names for More Info          

1959 Bill Whalen
1960 Clayton Ewing
1962 Richard I. Stearns
1964 Peter Barrett  &
1964 Alexander Bell
1965 Hobart "Red" Olson
1966 Edgar B. "Bud" Tolman
1968 Wallace J. Stenhouse Jr.
1969 Payson Mayhew
1970 Bud Lowenstein
1973 Lynn Williams
1974 Edw. T. "Shuff" Willman
1975 Wally Stenhouse
1976 Chuck Kirsch
1978 Buddy Melges
1979 Eddie Schnabel
1980 Dick Latham
1981 Larry Perkins
1982 Ted Lumbard
1983 Dr. Morrie Potter
1984 Don Wildman
1985 Roger Derusa
1986 Buddy Melges
1987 Dick Jennings
1988 Ann Moorman
1989 Dave Howell
1990 Bill Parks
1992 Dr. John Marquardt
1996 Robert H. Manning
1997 Deane H. Tank
1998 Margaret Doud
1999 Don Glasell
2000 Beverly Ford
2001 Robert N. Chatain Jr.
2002 John G. Crowley
2003 Robert E. Sargent
2004 Steve Fossett
2005 Dean S. Cady
2006 Janet Baxter
2007 Thomas W. Neill
2008 Andy Kiener
2009 Peter Reichelsdorfer
2010 Terry Kohler
2011 Allan Teske
2012 Gene McCarthy
2014 Don Wilson
2015 Larry Kwiat
2016 Gail Turluck
2017 Fred Hagedorn
2018 Edwin B. Ted Jones
2019 Lloyd Karzen
2022 Helle Getz
2023 Rick Lillie

The Fresh Water Award is presented at the discretion of the Board.

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The Master Mariners Trophy

The inscription on the Trophy reads:
"The Dwight Lawrence and Richard D. Rodseth families,
together with the Island Goats Sailing Society
have joined to create this award in commemoration of the achievement of

Individuals who have Completed Fifty Chicago to Mackinac Races.
This award is a tribute to their spirit, perseverance and love of the Mac.

Henceforth this trophy will be known as the
Island Goats Sailing Society's Master Mariner Trophy."


Recipients of the Master Mariners Award
Bill O’Brian
Tracy Brand
William Dooley
Henry Schroeder
Art Leonard
John BB Whitton
Roger Baske
Bob Zeman
Peter Reichelsdorfer
Arthur ‘Skip’ Ryan
Richard D. Rodseth
Eddie Schnabel
Chester Kuttner
John Nedeau
Gene McCarthy
Charles Bissell
Wally Heinichen
Allan Teske
Richard I. Stearns III
Deane Tank, Sr.
Don Glasell
George Gosnell
Bill Uhle
Randall Syme

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Double Goat Honor Roll

This is the Double Goat Honor Roll, a trophy created in 2008,
in a joint effort of the Island Goats Sailing Society of Chicago
and the Society of Mackinac Island Old Goats of Detroit. 

Its purpose is to place into history the names of sailors
who have reached the goal of sailing a minimum of 25
Chicago to Mackinac Races, sponsored by Chicago Yacht Club,
and 25 Port Huron to Mackinac Races, sponsored by Bayview Yacht Club.

This Trophy Honors Their Tenacity & Love of Racing

John L. Nedeau Sr. & John BB Whitton
have both completed 50 of each race and have become

IGSS Master Mariners & SMIG Grand Rams

Current Thru The 2022 Season
Bruce Aikens
William D. Alcott
Thomas E. Anderson
Stuart W. Argo Jr.
John D. Boyle
Lawrence R. Brink
Christopher L. Clark
Richard J. Corbett
Al Declercq
Michael J. Feldman
Alvin D. Fick Jr.
Peter R. Griffin
George S. Hendrie Jr.
Guy L. Hiestand
Marc Hollerbach
David H. Irish
Richard Jennings
Todd B. Jones
Mark G. Jurcak
Fred W. Kreger
Perry Lewis
Louis H. Lindeman
E. Earl Lyden
William C. Martin
Gene T. McCarthy
Andy McCormack
George B. McCroskey Jr.
Michael A. McDonald
Eugene Mondry
Nils L. Muench
Thomas R. Meier
John L. Nedeau Sr.
Samuel P. Nedeau
Robert K. Nutter
Andrew S. OGawa
J. Stuart Pettitt
Mark W. Pinney Sr.
Malcolm T. Prophit
Steve D. Orlebeke
Daniel R. Reichelsdorfer
Peter W. Reichelsdorfer
Richard P. Reichelsdorfer
Thomas C. Ritter
Michael E. Schultes
John C. Schultes
Ronald J. Sherry
Paul G. Snow
John E. Stanley
Ted Szalkowski
William E. Tait
George M. Uznis
George E. Van Sr.
Daniel B. Van Dyke
William R. Wagner
John BB Whitton
Robert J. Wiesen
Douglas R. Woodworth
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The Fastest Goat to Mackinac Trophy

By Proclamation: "...The Island Goats Sailing Society
shall award for annual competition -
A Trophy to the Island Goat with the
Lowest Corrected Time..."

Andrew Solyts
Liquid Lounge   USA 245
Chicago-Mackinac Trophy Division
1st Place in division - 1stPlace in J109 Section
2023 Race to Mackinac
Burton Cardwell
Flight Risk  HNK 2300 
Chicago-Mackinac Cup Division
5th Place in Division - 4th Place in Section 2
2023 Race to Mackinac
Tom Gorey
Runaway   USA 52337
Crusing Division
3rd Place in Division - 1st Place in Cruising 2
2023 Race to Mackinac

Previous Fastest Goats...      
1970 Lynn A. Williams
1971 Rod Kahr
1972 Edward W. Schnabel
1973 William D. Bennett
1974 Lynn A. Williams
1975 Lynn A. Williams
1976 Lynn A. Williams
1977 Dave Howell IOR
           Edw. H. Schultz LMYA
1978 "Shuff" Willman IOR
           George E. Van LMYA
1979 Bob Davis IOR
           H.T. VanMell LMYA
1980 Bob Currier IOR
          Ken Kohanzo LMYA
           Sumner Sollitt MHS
1981 Jim Nolan IOR + MHS
           Ted Lumbard LMYA
1982 Bob Currier IOR
          Dave Howell MHS
           H. G. VanMell LMR
1983 Paul Brown IOR
          Bill Lowry IOR
           David Axelrod MHS
1984 Dick Rodseth IOR
           Bill Bissell MHS
1985 Dave Howell IOR
           Dick Froberg MHS
1986 Fred Schwaneke IOR
           Dick Froberg MHS
1987 Dick Rodseth IOR
           Walter Lindeman IMS
1988 Bill Uhle IOR
           Don Glasell IMS
1989 Dick Jennings IOR
           Dick Rodseth IMS
1990 Allan Teske IOR
           Dick Rodseth IMS
1991 Dick Jennings IOR
           Rick VanMell IMS
1992 Richard Stearns III
           Peter Reichelsdorfer PHRF
1993 Robert Chatain, Jr. PHRF
1994 Willard Harman IMS
           Robert H. Davis, Jr. PHRF
1995 Robert I. Zeman, Jr. IMS
           John Nedeau PHRF
1996 Willard Harman IMS
           Alan Baske PHRF
1997 Willard Harman IMS
           Dan Woodworth PHRF
1998 Terry Kohler IMS
           Bill Emery PHRF
1999 Paul Snow IMS
           Hank Schroeder PHRF
2000 Tom Neill IMS
            Alan Baske PHRF
2001 Robert J. Wiesen OD
            Bill Emery LMPHRF
2002 Henry Schroeder Cup Div.
            Alan Baske Trophy Div.
2003 Geary Finn Cup Div.
            Tracy Brand Trophy Div.
2004 Pat Considine Cup Div.
            Jim Considine Trophy Div.
2005 George Morrissey Cup Div.
            David Sligh Trophy Div.
2006 Jerry O'Neil Cup Div.
            Judy Hallisey Trophy Div.
2007 Tom Petkus Cup Div.
            Doug DeVos Trophy Div.
2008 Bill Martin Cup Div.
            Roger Baske Trophy Div.
2009 James Salomon Cup Div.
            Timothy Dittrich Trophy Div.
2010 Shawn O'Neill Cup Div.
            Nolan Levine Trophy Div.
2011 Bruce Metcalf Cup Div.
            Sam Nedeau Trophy Div.
2012 David Gustman Cup Div.
            Jerry Miarecki Trophy Div.
2013 Greg Miarecki Cup Div.
            Mitchell Padnos Trophy Div.
2014 David Gustman Cup Div.
            Jim Sheldon Trophy Div.
2015 Greg & Jerry Miarecki
            and Jim Sheldon Racing Div.
            Bill O'Brien Crusing Div.
2016 Robert L Hughes Racing Div.
            Bill O'Brien Crusing Div.
2017 Robert L. Hughes Racing Div.
            Elsa Gustafson, Suzy Phelps,
            John Regan, David Sollitt
            & Mike Sollitt Crusing Div.
2018 Bill Alcott, Tom Anderson
            & Ron Sherry   Cup Div.
            Angela Graham, Robert Kolar,
            Tom O'Laughlin, Skip Ryan
            & Mark Snell   Crusing Div.
2019 Mitch Padnos & David Sligh   Trophy Div.
            Jack Murphy   Cup Div.
            Brett Larson   Crusing Div.
2021 Greg Mirecki, Gerry Mirecki &
            Jim Sheldon   Trophy Div.
            Tracy Brand   Cup Div.
            Al Declerq   Crusing Div.
2022 Mitch Padnos, Mike Hill, David A. Sligh
            & Eric Ash   Trophy Div.
            Mike Kaczor   Cup Div.
            Ray Groble & Steve Sickler   Crusing Div.
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The Boat Load of Goats Awards

In 2018 The Island Goats Sailing Society Announced a
New Edition to Our Mackinac Racing Traditions

The Boat Load of Goats Flag Awards

Two Flags will be Awarded For Goat Knowledge Aboard!
The First: To the Boat with the Most Number of Goat Years Aboard!
The Second: To the Boat with the Highest Average Goat Years Aboard!

This is a Tribute to the Camaraderie & Cooperation of
Our Family of Island Goats…

USA 349

Clark Pellett 38, Ned Sher 37
Russ Radke 38
Highest Average Goat Years Aboard
36.333 Years

2023 Race to Mackinac

Main Street  
USA 50048

Bill Schanen III 39, Dale Peters 35,
Bill Schanen IV 34, Richard Reichard 32
Greta Schanen 32, Erin Schanen 31,
Bill Faude 27

Most Goat Years Aboard
230 Years

2023 Race to Mackinac
Click Here for 2018 Photos...
Click Here for 2019 Photos...

      Previous Highest Average Years Aboard
2018  Eleven  USA 16615
2019  Taipan  USA 51746
2021  Sin Duda  USA 28252
2022  Providence  USA 6649 - Tied
2022  Daybreak  USA 265 - Tied
          Previous Most Years Aboard
2018  Dakota  USA 25443
2019  Eagle  USA 38006
2021  Broderi  USA 42917
2022  Sufficient Reason  USA 4215

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The Smoked Goat Award

By Proclamation: "...The Island Goats Sailing Society
shall award for annual competition -
A Trophy to the Island Goat with the
Highest Corrected Time..."

If the Definition of Fun is Sailing
with your Crew in the Chicago Mackinac Race...
Then the Recipients of this Award have Had the Most Fun of All.

This Award is a Tribute to their Willfulness, Endurance & Love of the Mac.

Our Trophy Established in 2003 is An Antique Chesapeake Bay Owner's Flag that was Donated by Peter Barrett

Tim Hoffman
Salsa   USA 50136   2:22:09:50 Corrected Time 
94th Place Chicago - Mackinac Cup Division
 11th Place Section 4
2023 Race to Mackinac

2003 Deane Tank, Jr.
2004 Trey Ritter
2005 Dave Brown
2006 Jim Janic
2007 Joe Amenta
2008 John Beckstedt
2009 Doug DeVos
2010 Richard Gravengood
2011 Norris McNamera
2012 Doug DeVos
2013 Tim Hoffman
2014 John Stanley
2015 Deane Tank Jr.
2016 Ed P. Cohen
2017 Andy Kiener
2018 Lawrence Wilhelm
2019 Russ Salzman
2021 Deane Tank, Jr.
2022 Michael Elam

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Thank You Race Committee!

Our Race Committee Honorees have...
Endured over 25 Years Officiating The Chicago to Mackinac Race;
And Have Started and Finished more than 15,000 Boats;
Thank You Very Much!

Kay Baxter
Freddie Brown
Janet Crabb
Jill Danly
Helle Getz

Michael Kamerlink
Harry Kluemder
Robert Manning
Karen McLane

Ann Moorman
Al Purzycki
Michael Roche
Mimi Rose
Dick Schweers
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This Page Updates Yearly Following Our Spring Induction & Awards Gala!

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Race to Mackinac Island 25 times or more and you too can be a member of the Island Goats Sailing Society.   Click Here to Join!
Comments, Corrections or Suggestions?   Contact the:  Webmaster@IslandGoats.Org